Improve efficiency with a more streamlined workflow
EnergyLink raises the bar for royalty data exchange through automated workflow, enhanced partner communications and data analytics. Streamline your business process, save time and money, and improve owner relations today:
Eliminate trips to the post office
- Significantly reduce time and cost of printing, collating and mailing with easy and secure exchange of royalty data
A complete CRM solution for owner relations inquiries
- Improve your owner relations process with our innovative inquiry tracking tool that ties tickets directly to the correct owner/property
- Custom built-in workflow such as priority, status, reassignment, and the ability to close or reopen will provide you with all the tools needed from a CRM solution
Complete and consistent comprehensive data
- Owners receive non-operated royalties to fully map, analyze and prepare clean voucher data for direct upload into their accounting system
- Code all statement elements with our sophisticated code mapping process
- Use our built-in trending screens and Excel reporting to help with analysis
The end result? Improved visibility and more accurate information to help you do your job better and faster while greatly improving your owner relations.